“As the youngest of five children, born to older parents, and raised in the shadow of a Carmelite monastery, in Silicon Valley, my curiosity was ignited at a young age by the intersection of where family, compassion, and innovation come together.”

This created a dedication in Mary Jo Saavedra’s adult life for service that elevates an integrates life at all phases and stages. Her passion for serving others in their later years of life came into focus when she became her mother's end-of-life caregiver while she watched her mom struggle through the maze of Alzheimer’s disease. Mary Jo found herself in a foxhole with other caregivers in her mom’s small group home,
“…all of us were overwhelmed by the lack of resources and knowledge of where to turn for guidance. Like a deer in the headlights, I was often paralyzed by indecision, wondering if I had all the facts and options that would serve my mom the best.”
Am I enough? echoed in Mary Jo’s mind. As a newly minted gerontologist, she struggled with how it was possible she did not have easy access to the tools needed for this common, however uniquely individual, journey of caregiving. From the chaos of crisis, Mary Jo found her way to organized calm. After her mother’s death, she continued to contemplate the questions many caregivers carry on the journey that can make a person feel they are not doing enough. The cry, there must be a better way, nagged at her. As she strengthened herself from exhaustion and grief, she put pen to paper and gave structure to the comprehensive caregiver navigation process, HomeLife Design™ that emerged from the love and modeling of her parents.
“My father had planned, and therefore my four siblings and I had options and knew what my parents wanted.”
Her brothers and sister, and their families surrounded their mom in her final year and surrounded Mary Jo as the last in the long family chain of caregivers to her mom over the years since her father had passed away. Her husband and daughter, friends, and so many more created a village of care, and she could see her mom felt all this love. She did too! From the pain a new vision of hope was born.
Mary Jo Saavedra’s mission was clear, and she committed to a career path, through the Aging Life Care Association as a Professional Aging Life Manager and Business Gerontologist, to ensure others had the resources she didn’t. Resources that allowed navigation through the twists and turns of caregiving and designing a plan for later life. Eldercare 101 Updated became this foundation.
Mary Jo has learned a deeper presence to her own dreams and wishes for the second half of her life, and for those she provides care management counseling. She says, “every phase and stage of being an older adult has joys and challenges, your gratitude and appreciation to make each day your best builds resilience for the rough patches.” Mary Jo knows also that change comes swiftly, everything is evolving. Her own path led her unexpectedly from a well-built life on the west coast to Naples, Florida with her husband. Leaving behind family and friends, she was now blessed to live near their daughter and her husband, in a beautiful and unique environment. She didn’t plan it, but because her life and care planning were solid, she knew what opportunities to say yes to and how to be resilient in leaving a home and friends she had been blessed with for over 30 years. Mary Jo looks back on her life thus far and knows firsthand that what the longevity studies reveal and teach us are true -
“Life is about the relationships you surround yourself with and the joy you carry inside. No matter where I am in the world, no matter how sideways life goes, joyous or difficult, my village goes with me, and grows!”
You are more than enough for this sacred journey! Through research, serving clients, and implementing the evidence based best practices for an integrated wellbeing in her own life, Mary Jo knows how to navigate the choices ahead and the unexpected events of crisis. She says, “planning empowers your own caregiving journey. Planning is the legacy you leave to unburden your loved ones who do their best when stepping in to care for you. Planning protects your wishes and builds your options. Planning…answers those nagging questions in the middle of the night: Will I have enough money through the end of life? Who will care for me? How do I not be a burden to my loved ones? How can I remain engaged every day with what I love?” She knows that having the right tools and resources can unburden you to be your best caregiver and live your best life, and now she wants to share this program with everyone!
The HomeLife Design™ plan is the gift you give yourself to live fully today so that worries do not steal your peace of mind. It is the foundation for securing your choices for all your tomorrows and when things go sideways. The cornerstones of the program are connection, purpose, and meaning to strengthen your internal joy and give you resilience for the journey ahead. Resilience is a muscle that must be built. Mary Jo practices it every single day. At the center of your planning are tools for every phase and stage, and how to build your intentional village for the second half of life.
“Join me! I want to share this path with you.”

Mary Jo Saavedra
Author, Gerontologist, and
Life & Care Planning Expert.
Thank you for considering me as your partner in transforming your life with growth and security!

New Book
Your Toolbox for Caregiving and Life Planning!
“This updated version of Eldercare 101 is a fantastic soup-to-nuts guide to later life, with practical advice on personal finances, housing, estate planning, physical and mental health, Medicare, social connections, and spirituality. The handy resources alone are worth the price of the book.“
— Richard Eisenberg, personal finance writer, editor, podcaster, and The View From Unretirement columnist at MarketWatch
How I can help you

Through my books, Eldercare 101: A Practical Guide to Later Life Planning, Care, and Wellbeing and the second edition, Eldercare 101 Updated, everyone has access to my framework
and a valued collection of additional expert voices in these books to guide you through the tools and information you need for your journey of planning, care, and wellbeing for the second half of life. My services expand below to offer you degrees of support and adventure in creating your own HomeLife Design™ for the second half of life.
You are invited to purchase a copy of my new book: Eldercare 101 Updated: A Practical Guide to Later Life Planning, Care, and Wellbeing.